New mirrors are lower resolution?
Little Mouse
There's no documentation on thew new mirror settings, but they look pretty awful even at the highest setting.
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Mirrors are still terrible. Operators have to fix this.
still lower resolution than normal rendering and more noticable with the valve index today
bit 01
rx580 with oculus and I am not seeing this. Mirrors are sharp for me although some worlds are rendering at 900% bloom when nobody else can see it.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community We've done some more testing and we were under the impression that x1024 was the highest setting, but once set to AUTO instead, it is definitely higher quality than x1024. My apologies that we didn't understand this aspect of the new mirror settings.
That being said, it is still noticeably lower resolution than normal rendering on my Vive Pro than I'm used to with mirrors in the past where the mirror rendered exactly the same resolution as everything else, even with Super Sampling off.
I'll confer with more people tonight with a new world upload and the AUTO setting to see what other people are experiencing with Vive and Oculus.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community Total list of people who are still experience lower resolution than normal even with AUTO turned on.
RX480 / Oculus Rift
GTX980 / Vive
1060 / Oculus Rift
1070 / Oculus Rift
1080 / Vive
1080ti / Vive
1080ti / Vive Pro
Little Mouse: Mirrors with the "Auto" resolution setting should be much closer in resolution to regular rendering after today's patch.
Little Mouse
TCL: Thank you. <3
I can confirm that this happens with the newest SDK on both vive and desktop. The resolution is abysmal to the point that backing up more than a few meters from a large mirror on x1024 resolution is so pixelated it becomes impossible to see any detail on avatars.
Taken in desktop mode on 4k monitor. 1080ti, i7 9700k. There are no issues related to performance, the resolution is just awful.
Nevermind, after testing it looks much better in auto as opposed to x1024. Still seems worse than mirrors were months ago at longer distances. Auto has a much higher resolution limit it needs to be communicated better because the assumption is that the highest numerical setting would be the best quality. The documentation hasn't been updated
I just saw the tooltip mentioning the fact that the resolution is effectively a limiter. Please rename the resolution setting to not be so misleading. This should be a non-issue.
The issues with Vive Pro/SS are something else though
Jariath: The mirror reflection documentation has been updated to match the tool-tips and mentions that "Auto" matches the screen resolution up to the 2048x2048 cap.
TCL: Thanks
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
This appears to be related to the use of Vive Pros and supersampling. We're investigating.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: It's happening to regular vive users as well, and also looks blurry on desktop mode (pretty sure I had oculus friends also say it's blurry). It's definitely a universal issue across the board. I posted screenshots from desktop mode in a comment lower.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Example of it being low rez even in desktop low on desktop. It's not blurry, but definitely lower resolution.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Can confirm it is blurry on Oculus as well.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Little Mouse: That's... very strange. I can't reproduce on my Vive or Oculus.
Is this with a newly built world? Does this occur on worlds built with the older SDK?
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Newest mirror shader and SDK. The old mirror doesn't have this issue. Visit Subcom to see the current mirror shader in action.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Little Mouse: What GPU are you using?
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Additionally, what supersampling setting are you using on Vive CV/Rift CV?
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: 1080ti on mine (vive pro). GTX980 on my partner's (vive). I can get more folks' GPUs if it helps.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: 200% using SteamVR, but once again, it has the same results on desktop mode not using SteamVR.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: 1070 from my friend using an Oculus
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Two more for ya... let me know if you need more : Regular Vive / 1080ti and Regular Vive / gtx 1080 also experiencing the issue.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Can you confirm this is still occuring in the latest patch?
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: They are still blurry.
A few more details. First of all, I am using a Vive Pro with super sampling on, and up until recently the mirrors looked exactly like everything else.
A week or two ago I noticed mirrors were lower resolution, but had crisp pixels. The VRchat camera on the other hand mirrored like normal. Very clear compared to mirrors.
After this recent update (and still since the patch) mirrors seem not only low resolution, but blurry, as though anti-aliased or up-scaled in a way that the pixels blur.
Once again, compared the VRchat camera which is still a pristine mirror at full resolution that I'm used to.
A few things I've tried to see if it would help :
- lowering and raising super sampling
- using destkop low, VR high, VR low settings in the startup options
- using the new mirror shader
Nothing seems to affect it.
I tried the other various settings on the mirror shader, and obviously the lower resolution variations just make it worse, which leads me to believe the mirror simply has a new resolution cap that unfortunately looks pretty bad on the vive pro.
I'm assuming these changes have to do with optimizing for the quest, which I'm absolutely thrilled about, but hopefully it doesn't leave higher end users in a lurch because it definitely makes mirrors less immersive when hanging out with friends, and a pain to use to test avatars.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Was in desktop mode and noticed the mirrors look fine with the old script. Crisp pixels, no anti-aliasing or blurriness, for what it's worth. Looks good in desktop low and VRhigh in desktop mode.
... but the new shader looks blurry and low resolution in desktop mode as well.
Little Mouse
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: Better detail on how bad it is.
William D
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: As of 4 hours ago, still a issue. I also am vive pro user, but my friends are vive regular and also experience it. We also tried supersampling up and down. the mirror remained blurry. Even with someone being point blank range, and partialy through the mirror, the on looker could see the drop in quality. With new sdk, tried side by side tests in a test world of X256, X512,X1024, Auto. Auto was the previous setting we used, where it was wonderfully crisp. The auto now is the 'best' of the worst, as the X ones look like a censor ship mosaic. Like little mouse said, it feels like there is a resolution cap on the auto setting. My friends and I also confirm the hand held camera still looks perfect. We also confirm in desktop mode of 1080p it seems fine, as far as we can tell. Please fix mirror, as most of the groups I hang out with stand in front of mirror to socialize and interact.