Meaning of PC/Quest icon on nameplates is not obvious.
( See my comment below. )
Old title: PC/Quest icon on nameplates shows cross-paltform avatars as PC-only
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The icon indicator is for avatar compatibility. Not where user is coming from. Quest users have avatars which can used on PC / Quest side - they cannot wear PC only avatars.
PC users can use both versions, hence the indicator.
I think it's better to make just one dot circle, to show where user is coming from. It's not really needed use it for avatar compatibility, we know it already!
As nameplate shows properties and state of avatar, I thought it's shows avatars compatability. If it shows platform player using, it should be only one circle, blue one or green one, as player can not be on PC and Quest at the same time. It's not obivous. Also why not to make this icon show more detailed info about player hardware: desctop / pc vr / full body vr / quest vr / ... ?
Here is a potential fix for the devs,
It should not show the same ui element that indicates platform compatibility, they can probably fix the comprehension of this nameplate element by only showing one circle by itself at a time rather than the same element which has both circles that is used to show platform compatibility.
I dont expect this to ever be changed but I am having a good laugh over this for sure because I can see how confusing it might be.
Dj Lukis․LT
Observer.: Agreed, better yet to show an icon on when user is on
I think the nameplate indicator is only to show what platform the user is on
PhaxeNor: Welcome to todays show on confusing UI with vrchat developers. This gave me a good laugh thanks for explaining.
PhaxeNor: I agree that using this same icon in different places is confusing. It represents content compatibility for avatars and worlds, but the double circle with one grated does not make sense for displaying which platform a user is on.