Japanese Input Issue
available in future release
In most Japanese input,I press Enter to confirm a character I have entered. However, when I press Enter to confirm a character, VRChat closes the Input Field.
And nothing is entered into the Input Field!
These are really tiresome for those of us who mainly use Japanese input.
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This post was marked as
available in future release
needs more information
Hello! Thanks for reporting this. A number have updates have gone out since this post, could you confirm this issue is still occurring?
StormRel natn's comme.t explained the issue
StormRelYes, Still occuring in 1453
StormRelAcctually the problem of nothing being entered has been fixed,but I can't continue to enter text.
StormRel It's a super basic and common and often used operation when handling Japanese strings. You should not mark the check on the Japanese UI of the Steam store page until you solve this. This issue is so big like that.
If you need technical discussions, please contact us (nekochanfood and naqtn) on the VRChat Localization Discord server. We are proofreaders.
StormRel Yes. You will surely encounter this problem when typing Japanese. This problem has never been resolved.
A year has passed since this submission and it has still not been corrected.
Whenever I search for something, set a custom status or update the BIO, I have to write it down once in notepad or something and then copy-paste.
Could you please fix it so that I can type directly without having to do this?
For those who are not familiar with Japanese IME (Input Method Editor):
Enter key means "Select the focused candidate" in the "Conversion candidate window" of Japanese IME (see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/microsoft-japanese-ime-da40471d-6b91-4042-ae8b-713a96476916 under "Conversion candidate window" )
Technically speaking the text input UI wrongly handles Enter key input as its own "complete" action. It should not do that while IME is active.
Possible workaround is clicking somewhere outside of inputting text under (being handled by) IME. But that isn't normal operation and it's uncomfortable.
Info for Japanese users: