Re-opening this, since VRChat decided to mark the previous canny as "Completed" while the problem wasn't solved at all:
Camera buttons, ever since the camera has been introduced, are still hard to hit most of the time, especially for bigger avatars. This was even something that was admitted in the patch notes well over a year ago, would be nice for the camera buttons to get changed to raycast while also tackling these related issues:
  • Camera Icon fills 3/4 of the preview screen, just don't show it in selfie-mode where camera is fixed to tablet
  • Camera Icons of other players should not be visible with "HUD Elements Off"
  • Controller outlines, raycast etc. should not be visible in camera stream
TL;DR: Please switch camera buttons to raycast like everything else is
This Canny was marked as "Completed" while the solution didn't addressed the canny at all:
These are the old cannys: