Cached Instance Population Data Prevents 'Join Queue' Option
When attempting to queue for a group instance, the "Join Queue" option is not displayed, preventing me from joining. The client shows a population of 7/8, while the API reports 8/8. Because the client caches the instance population data for too long, I must leave or rejoin the current instance to refresh and update the information. It would be preferable if the instance population across the entire social presence weren’t cached almost indefinitely, as this causes issues elsewhere as well. I’ve attached a video demonstrating my attempts to join an instance—which failed due to this issue—along with a reference image showing the correct population count.
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Queues have to be uniquely responsive so people don’t feel like they’re getting the short end of the stick. It’s a full-on FOMO situation that can really stir up social friction.
i saw similar issues. it was 80/80 with 1 in queue but i couldn't queue up because the instance was already at 78/80