Avatars do not load after unblocking them
In the current build of VRChat (2018.4.4p3), avatars will not load if they were previously blocked and the user attempts to unblock them either by changing their safety settings or force-enabling avatars on a per-user basis. They will remain in blue loading man form until that person changes their avatar at any point.
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ღ Queentastic ღ
This is NOT complete. I still get to need if i friend someone i have to turn on their avatar,
Ruuubick - Designer
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Is this still occurring? Is it consistent or reproducible with a given set of steps? This is quite an old post, and I have personally not seen this issue in a very long time.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: i can verify this is still actively occuring
ღ Queentastic ღ
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: still happens yes. And if you took avatar on for someone but they havnt loaded thru and u turn it off again. It eill still load and keep having the loading bar too
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: It still happens quite often. Just block a person and unblocking them sometimes doesn't bring them back.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community: I beleve exatly this report is about different bug that was, I remember, common in that version, happens almost for everyone in instance, who was blocked by any reason at moment, when you join instence, until you rejoin instance. This days same bug is rare, for random single persons, but happens. And blocking-unblocking not always helps. So the user stucks in blue-loading-trinagles-avatar. I beleve it's not network related, because with netwrk issues you getting red avatar, and this load-stuck bug happens after downloading process, when prcessing avatar itself.
I get this too. I go into Safety settings, change a setting and revert, exit menu, and it forces everyone to reload okay.
Lil Fluff
Affecting me as well. (Primarily safety settings changes don't reload avatars. They stay a blue Man until either they change models or I leave and rejoin.)
Agree. Here is video:
I experience this too.
Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Same here, and actualy when i rejoin that world where is my friend, he is still blocked and need to unblock him again and change in safety setings or show avatar to be ablle to see him.. Also I cant unblock him even from the website..