Avatar is Good ranked in SDK when uploading and in the nameplate when wearing it, but medium in avatar details
available in future release
d v l
When uploading with SDK 3.5.2, it says my avatar is going to be Good.
When I have the avatar on and look at my nameplate, it says Good.
When I open the avatar details panel, it says Medium.
The culprit seems to be collider count at 2. I have 2 box colliders: for a seat and for collider flying.
Avatar ID: avtr_89fd6f71-16f4-4dbf-a9ea-1d9b44da8e54
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available in future release
Merged in a post:
[1442] Avatars with seat colliders get ranked Very Poor when not worn
On standalone/Android VRChat, avatars will get ranked as Very Poor when they are not being worn. Upon checking the details, it will have 1/0 colliders. This is an impossible scenario as collider components cannot be uploaded to Android VRChat. If you swap into an avatar affected by this bug, it will revert to it's normal performance rank and will say that the avatar has 0/0 colliders.
If I had to guess, this is due to the online performance scanner flagging the Station component's collider that gets added at runtime, but the local scanning not flagging the station as a collider.
In the pictures below, you can see the stats of my personal avatar when worn vs when I'm wearing any other avatar.
Lastly, here is the blueprint of an avatar affected by this bug: https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_edde17d2-800a-419b-ad2a-afa244a4eb24
Issue happens on Live and PC too.
It doesnt seem to be connected to server stats as they report the correct value in my case (Image 1). Client however shows this (image 2). After switching into the avatar it reports the correct value (image 3).
d v l
This avatar is medium only locally. When a remote user checks avatar details, they see 1/8 colliders and it's Good ranked for them.
One of the colliders is a trigger and the other one is not.