Avatar hands switch to default position whilst controllers are idle
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While controllers are idle, the user's avatar's hands will go to a default position, as if controllers were not connected.
This can be triggered in one of two ways:
System Menu:
- Open the system menu (Oculus or Pico button)
- Wait a few seconds
- The avatars hands will switch position, away from where Steam VR says the controllers are
This itself does not effect gameplay, however the following does
Controllers Going Idle: (Tested only on Pico 4)
- Place controllers down and keep your head relatively still
- Pico 4 controllers will stop tracking their position after approx 15 - 30 seconds of little movement
- The avatars hands will switch position, away from the controllers
This has a large impact on the game play experience, as if you are sitting with the controllers in your lap, or not moving much (like when watching a movie), the avatars hands will switch positions after a short period, once this occurs they can switch back and forth between the default pose for the avatar and the position they should be in.
Expected Behavior:
The hands of the avatar should always be where Steam VR is reporting the controllers to be, this was the case before Build 1304.
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Still the case on reverb G2
This should be fixed with the Input 2.0 update!
This post was marked as
available in future release
Whoot! No more hands flying around!
469 days since this game breaking bug was reported and 0 response from the VRChat team.
Just got pro controllers and was devastated to learn this was an issue, genuinely hope something is done about this soon, it's driving me crazy!
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With vrchat ignoring this for so long, and support ignoring me - I've cancelled my subscription 😭
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Adding v-bucks was more important than this
it has been going on for over a year and we'll probably see a fix in 2045
+1 year of this issue being brought out and still nothing? Is it such a hard bug to fix?
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I've submitted a support request, will update on how that goes
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"Hello, This is a known issue that we're currently tracking and hope to have fixed in a future update. Your patience in the meantime is appreciated! henri VRChat Team"
Will write back and try get a human response
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Can't get a response anymore.
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The fact there has not been any acknowledgement of this issue speaks a lot
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