Some features that were announced as being in development in the Developer Update below appear to be in Live.
> open it by looking at your right palm, and pinching the top of your thumb and pinky fingertip together
As mentioned above, you can open the ActionMenu, but other features are not implemented, so you cannot operate the ActionMenu, you cannot close the ActionMenu again by performing the same operation, and the opening QM gesture is disabled. To recover from this, you need to grip the VR controller again.
== 機械翻訳前の日本語原文 ==
[1518] ハンドトラッキング利用時、親指と小指を近づけるとActionMenuが呼び出せるが操作不能になります。
以下のDeveloper Updateで開発中と告知されていた機能が一部Liveにあるようです。
> open it by looking at your right palm, and pinching the top of your thumb and pinky fingertip together