[1353] [BUG] Saved Write Default On toggles stick
EDIT: Seems to only be an issue in the mirror, actually looking down lets you see the toggle working correctly.
If a WD On Toggle is false when the avatar is loaded, it can be toggled normally.
If an WD On Toggle is true when the avatar is loaded, it cannot be toggled manually, it sticks to whatever is in the true state of the toggle.
- Have any toggle written in a WD On workflow. (Single Layer or Blendtree, doesn't matter)
- Have its parameter saved.
- In-game: Activate the toggle.
- In-game: Reload the avatar by switching to a different one and back.
- The affected properties of that toggle stick to the on state, even though it should not. Example: Mesh stays active even when toggle is disabled.
This issue existed since the last open beta for 2023.3.3 and just now got merged into live. It didn't happen before that. I assume some “optimization” you did in that patch causes that issue.
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I have noticed this in mirrors in the black cat, that on some avatars some of the animations I play or toggle don't show up in the mirror for me on desktop mode.
Merged in a post:
Toggles on most avatars no longer show up in mirrors
Doesn’t work on all avatars but most have this issue that I know of
1: turn on clothing toggles for avatar such as hats or glasses
2: turn on a mirror
3: see that it does not show up in mirror but is visible to others
Update: As the patchlogs of the open beta state:
“Certain custom animator configurations using a T-Pose controller no longer get stuck in some states.”
I confirm this issue has been resolved with this as of Build 1370.
Thank you.
Got the issue too since they reinstated the update
Merged in a post:
[1347] Avatar controllers broken with Write Defaults enabled
On the Unity 2022 beta, my animation controllers with Write Defaults enabled no longer work as expected. If I toggle an animation to a non-default position, then switch avatar and switch back, then the animation becomes stuck in the non-default state and does not change back when toggled in my action menu.
Merged in a post:
Broken emotes on build 2023.3.3
The emotes who toggle objects ON doesnt work for the Local player and others can see the object turning ON (Cant see the Toggle in the mirrors or in third person)
This bug may have been around longer than it appears I first ran into this bug with a saved material swap in a WD on avatar with gogoloco installed in February 2023. My reproduction steps are the same as posted in the main bug report except i have only witnessed this but with material swaps and animated material properties. The defaults for the mirror clone appear to be saved a couple of frames after the main animator in this configuration and are taking the values of the changed state as the default. this also means that WD on controllers that are explicit in their animating do not suffer from this bug and it only affects controllers that rely on empty states and the default values to turn things back off
Update: Issue still present in Beta 1357.
Removing the T-Pose Animator fixes this, unfortunately that one got shipped in plenty of GoGoLoco Versions, probably for a good reason.
Buddy_DE: The old avatar scaling hack used it but now it is only for fixing some obscure issue. Franada claims that there is a small x offset in the default T-pose that makes you feel shifted when you bind in. There is no existing bug report for this and Franada says they will not remove the T-pose layer from Gogo Loco. You can find the thread on their discord server by searching for “Tpose layer”.
Hello! Thanks for reporting this. Is this issue still happening?
StormRel: This issue fixed after the rollback version, but still happening in the current open-beta.
This is the same issue most likely. Do you use Write Defaults (WD)?
~Babo~: Yes and No, I Used WD Enabled/Disabled in the emotes and still happening, a different thing what happen when i disable the WD, is the Emotes Objects start to stacking
THEDAO77: the emotes stacking is expected behavior if all you changed was disabling WD. It takes a little more work to properly switch to WD off.
Most likely this is the same issue, in which case I assume you use Gogo Loco and the only thing you can do to fix this is to remove the TPose layer from your Gogo prefab.
Btw, am I right that the issue went away for a few days with the current live version? It will return with the next update (tomorrow?) if the devs fail to address this.
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