[1156] VRCLens, ShaderMotion broken in VR
In the newest update, cameras which render to "Target Eye = None (Main Display)" seem to be broken
Example avatar id: avtr_2ec12510-58ac-4267-8890-8f1c7de58c43 - to reproduce, play VR and activate ShaderMotion -> Record from the radial menu.
Also here in twitter: https://twitter.com/Hibihira_Mii/status/1466304394228486144
Attached is an example of a Camera component which incorrectly causes the VR HMD to flip upside down.
It's not just avatars: I am able to confirm that some worlds are also broken.
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I'm using one of JetDog8808's prefabs, a HUD, and it's not showing up in game any more. I think it's related to this bug, because it also uses a camera set to target eye none, and a render texture. I have been unable to get it working by changing the depth to 100.
I don't see it posted on canny, but Phasedragon (VRChat team) says in discord: "For now the solution is to use depth 100 if you need to fix your own content ASAP. A more permanent fix to old content still needs to be investigated, and that won't happen on a weekend."