VRCConstraint (Optimized replacement for Unity constraints)
VRChat is working on its own constraint component for avatars, replacing Unity constraints.
- VRCConstraints are like Unity constraints, but improved and optimized for VRChat avatars. They work on Quest and Android!
- Avatars can continue to use Unity constraints. However, they are automatically converted to VRCConstraints in VRChat.
- Unlike Unity's constraints, VRCConstraint is a single component. Instead of replacing the components, its behavior is selected via a dropdown.
(This feature is still in development! The name and details of this feature are subject to change.)
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I understand the initial version is just a drop in replacement for unity's constraints. But can we add the ability to change the ratio of the movement? E.g. to emulate a geared down motor driving a limb?
Similar to blenders bone transforms would be awesome.
How long do you expect it will take for this feature to be completed?
I created an avatar using the existing Constraint, but Constraint does not work on Quest, and I am currently unable to connect my PC to Quest, so I desperately need this.
However, I don't intend to rush you through development, so don't push yourself and proceed at your own pace.
I just want to know the approximate timing of the update so I can be prepared.
To build on the concept of Target Transforms and constraints depth, is it possible to have a single-component that you can put multiple bones in to define additional limbs?
Something similar to configuring rigs for models (or VRIK from the FinalIK module), but would be able to include fingers?
It's really great that you can fix it to world space with one click.
When you freeze two axes with RotationConstraint, if the Source rotation exceeds 90 degrees it will start to rotate in the opposite direction.
This was an issue that also existed with UnityConstraint.
I heard that it was a problem with the calculation method, but is it possible to improve this?
When this becomes possible, it will be possible to express avatars in more detail.
Example: Implementing an industrial arm that rotates a single-axis joint by connecting the movement of a HumanoidBone and a mechanical arm with a Constraint.
A good idea to put into the constraints is an inverter, or when set below 0, data inverts.
i have had a few things where i would've liked to use only one constraint, but was forced to use two due to not having the ability to invert the data from said constraint.
An example being, i want object A to move to the left, and for Object B to copy that movement, but to the right instead.
fluff ≺3
are they act the same, so animate-able, weights etc?
I think despite wanting constraints to be almost exact replicas to Unity’s, there are a few problems with current world constraints (that could be fixed with the introduction of a VRC native world constraint).
- VRCStations are insanely jittery to people inside when the avatar which has them on moves around—I’m guessing this is just due to the update order.
- Physbones also exhibit this property, where they will move despite the transforms not moving.
if possible, i'd like to see this constraint work alongside physbone, to allow physbones grabbed by a remote user, to constrain to the rotation of the hand that grabbed it.
network behavior suggestion: you should only need to sync the initial grab rotation offset, and the final pose rotation. if physbone is not set posable, sync shouldn't be needed on release.
So a rotation constraint that constrains a physbones rotation to the transform that grabbed it?
․Mystical․ essentially, yes. this would allow more 'dexterity' in terms of physbone grabbing and posing. props that use a physbone to be grabbable by other users will also benefit significantly.
Catboy Slim
This might not be the proper place to ask for it, but i'd appreciate a "stretch to" constraint for rigging webbing and clothing between limbs. It behaves like an aim-at constraint, but also scales the bone to maintain the distance ratio of its tail between its head and its target. This way, you can have stretchy or baggy clothing (like a poncho, or a cat's back leg) that doesn't compress weirdly at wide or narrow angles. There should be an option for non-uniform scaling as well. Thanks!
Catboy Slim the behavior you're requesting is a mostly a product of more effective use of weight painting, and where that doesnt cut it, corrective animations/blendshapes.
contact senders and recievers can control corrective animations, that will allow you to adjust an intermediate bone (or alter a blendshape) based on the distance of the sender from the reciever.
Catboy Slim
Zarphus that sounds like a huge hassle
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