Toggle to disable avatar blendshape culling
Orwin Raqoon
In performance stage worlds such as Karaoke, Open Mic Nights, or game shows some avatar's mouth blend shape movements are being culled if you are in the audience. There needs to be a way to turn this culling feature off in situations like this. It is worse on small avatars as you have to be right in front of the player in order to see their movements. Currently the only work around is at world level, where a camera must be placed pointing at the stage area, and then have a teeny tiny screen rendering within view of the audience to prevent this from happening. Adding a toggle in the menu so the culling can be disabled in these situations would fix the problem, and give players control if they want to have this enabled or not.
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I do believe this warrants a closer look, and it would be very nice to see it as a toggle on the UI or in the setting tab in the future.
Currently, this seems to be affecting mostly the shiba avatar from what I've seen but wouldn't be surprised if it is affecting all avatars. Honestly don't remember reading an update where this became a thing so maybe it happened unintentionally? If it was intentional, surprised there isn't a toggle for it like other things. Here's hoping it gets fixed.
This was introduced in 2023.4.2 -
"Mouth movements will now be disabled on avatars that move far away from you, which will help with performance."
Rowan~ Ah I see. Easy to miss with so many notes a lot of the time. I hope a toggle can be added.
It also makes it extremely difficult to tell who is talking when name plates are turned off