remeasure avatar
All right, VRChat removed avatar remeasure function in August 2020 and said they would correct the bug and put it back.
But far from such a hint, time is just passing, and frankly, it is questionable whether they really intend to return the function to us at this point.
Would you be able to answer whether you want to permanently delete a feature or if you really implement it?
sorry for translating text.
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As of release 2023.2.4, avatar scaling is now an official feature for all avatars without requiring avatar-specific use of a remeasure avatar animator state behavior, so although the remeasure avatar state behavior isn't planned to be returning, the avatar scaling feature is considered its replacement.
Kung Avatar scaling is still woefully limited at both the low and high ends for people who enjoy playing with scaling features, please consider increasing the default range without individual worlds having to set it with udon
Zarex Jaeger
It would be nice to have this natively added back, along with the other Avatar 3.0 stuff they promised, but never delivered
I would love to dynamically scale my avatar natively in game. It can be really fun to prank people by getting bigger or smaller, plus it is just a nice feature to have. If I have to upload multiple avatars of different heights it just isn't the same, they have to be downloaded by people when I change between them and I iterate my model all the time.
I would love to see this actually implemented. I was thrilled when it was initially announced with Avatar 3.0 but after that original announcement there has been complete silence. I recall a comment recently from Tupper who sounded completely against this feature.
It would be nice to see them come back & finish finish this. I understand it is not a high priority to be fair... but it would be a fun feature for people to have that was originally promised.
Leaving a comment here to say I would love to have this functionality back. it makes sense having so users don't have to upload multiple versions of their avatars just for different sizes
They should add it back. Had that Feature with an mod and miss it now.
This would be a really useful feature to have.
I'm not sure what kind of technical limitations there might be with this, but having the option to change your entire avatar's scale at will is just a fun thing to have. As an avatar creator, I'd really love to see this re-implemented in the near future, even in an imperfect form!
AMintyDragon: Honestly even in a limited amount would be nice to have, or maybe could be something you can set on the avatar itself for how much range it gives
Resizing the entire avatar uniformly (like in Neos) should be a client feature, usable on all avatars, and probably can be implemented with just a bit of extra work - after all we already have fallback avatars resized for remote players, and the math for it is relatively simple. One concern that I know of would be constraints, as position offsets in them are in global space and ignore scaling (this can be easily tested by scaling avatar root via AV3 parameter), but this likely can be worked around by scaling offsets in constraints together with the avatar. Additionally, current scale can be exposed to AV3 animators via an extra parameter, to allow creators to creatively handle different avatar scale if necessary. Naturally, this should also scale playspace/eye separation in VR correctly too.
Advanced support for more complex remeasurement (involving changes in avatar proportions, viewpoint, floor offset, and the like) would require careful consideration, given that this feature didn't make the cut in AV3 beta; and, IMO, this is way less important than simple universal uniform scaling.
A middle ground where scaling avatar root via AV3 parameter+animation just works™ (again, with correct playspace/eye separation scaling, which is what's missing currently) feels also acceptable, but still worse than actual client feature as it forces people to do repeated unnecessary work on every avatar they upload, and limits people's ability to enjoy scaling with avatars that never were updated to have a scale slider.
For many people who have multiple size versions of their avatars, we'd be able to delete them all and save on the storage overhead of your content servers. This seems like a no-brainer to me.
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