Redesign and re-implement "Remeasure Avatar" State Behaviour
I know that you guys are aware of this issue (Tupper himself said so), but I'm posting this canny so it doesn't get forgotten.
A fair amount of people, including myself, were excited for this new state behaviour, but sadly it was removed for 2020.3.2. What we don't want is this implementation be forgotten, and plan this redesign and give a small priority in bringing back this state behaviour, if possible.
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It's kind of unfortunate that it has been disabled, a reimplementation has been promised and so far it's been absolutely silent on it even when people discussed it on discord.
It would be nice to hear a status on it.
definitely a big let-down, would love for it to be brought back
I would love to hear about this as well. I used the avatar scaling in the beta with it and was bummed to hear it was removed for the release candidate. Since then the team has gone very silent about it and I was wondering if it's still on the roadmap.
Yes it had some bugs but it was usable I felt.