Previously, buttons would send their value while held down. This was ideal for activating facial expressions, which could then be activated for just however long you want to show them; you could keep the menu open and show and hide facial expressions by selecting items with the stick.
However, now buttons activate for a fixed time - we no longer have a way to activate an expression by holding down a control. To some extent this can be emulated by using toggles or puppet menus, however this isn't ideal:
  1. Toggles aren't ideal for mutually exclusive states; you have to make a second motion to disable the first before enabling the second expression, and if you forget, which one wins?
  2. Puppet menus are best used for blending; it's difficult to precisely indicate more than four points on the two-axis puppet menus (vs eight on a regular expressions menu) and for cases where blending isn't desired they're not the correct control scheme.
Having an additional type of control which simply activates while the stick (or mouse) is held over it would resolve these issues.