With OSC Eye Tracking, we can manipulate the eye tracking by sending values to the address listed here.
I don't know whether VRChat uses these internal values for Native Eye Tracking, but we would like to refer these (currently private) values for Animation, as well as parameters such as GestureLeft/Right and Viseme.
In other words, we would like to drive the Animation
by reading the parameters that would be officially synchronized
This is currently not possible, leaving us with only two options.
  • We could do the same thing by sending values to Expression Parameters using OSC, but this require us to use up synced avatar parameters again.
(Remember you once said "Native eyetracking support will not require you to use up synced avatar parameters," in Developer Update - 2 March 2023)
  • We could put Contacts in the Eye Bone to detect eye movements (only), but this would affect performance and Quest limits.
Therefore, we would like you to expose Native and/or OSC Eye Tracking data as Readonly Animator Parameters.