Constraints will sometimes entirely break locally for some people (since update)
Some people (can't determine pattern) seem to be affected by a bug that locally makes all constraints non-functional/not exist.
- The bug appears mostly when swapping into or out of an avatar.
- The bug affects people entirely locally on a per-avatar basis (including self)
- The bug affects retroactively on old avatars.
For example if you have an object parented to the hand, if a person is affected by the bug, they will see it floating next to you as if the constraint never applied.
Sometimes rejoining world can temporarily fix the issue, but if someone swaps their avatar, the person who is bugged may observe the constraints break again (entirely locally)
I have some videos of the issue but they are too big to fit as attachments here.
The biggest issue is I can't entirely figure out the cause for it. But today I met 2 people in one instance that were affected, and 1 person in another instance that was affected by it. Often noticed because they would comment that my thing I was toggling was floating next to me.
(It is possible crowded instances are a factor in this)
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We believe this has recently been fixed in our latest patch release for VRChat, version 2025.1.1p1 (build 1568). Can you please check if you're still having this issue in the most recent version?
Dexvoid I believe it has been fixed :)
noticed it yesterday yea.. lots of vrc constraints seem to be broken locally and depending on the amount of people also remotely desynced since the update ( get stuck at world spawn etc.), i think the server sided conversion that happens for unity constraints to vrc constraints on already uploaded avatars are affected the most, but it also happens on newer uploads, but only if someone switches into a avatar with a unity constraint instead of a VRC constraint.
Pic example.
This avatar of mine is parented to the armature (for animation reasons)
The person that was affected by the bug just sees it T posing permanently since the constraints arent working.
Of note, this was NOT a shield level issue, all parts of my avatar should have been fully visible to my friend here