When other players load an avatar faster than the avatar wearer, the avatar's Expression Parameters can have unintended values from the perspective of those who have loaded the avatar.
This may cause the animator to execute remotely in a way that was not designed by the avatar author.
For instance, when all of the following are combined:
  • the avatar have pieces of clothing enabled by default in the hierarchy
  • the animator states are entering a default state that makes sure they are enabled on entry
  • the expression parameters has a default value properly set in a way that the entry state will not transition to another state unless manually acted upon
...even when all of these conditions are satisfied, when the other players load the avatar faster than the wearer, then the Expression Parameters may be seen by others with an unintended value that is non-default, causing the animator to transition to other states after loading, which may disable said clothing.
This kind of behavior is invisible to the avatar wearer who may never be aware that this is happening. It puts a lot of burden onto the avatar creator to handle this edge case properly.