[BUG] Avatars that arn't scale 1,1,1, get shifted when playing an animation such as 'Wave' or 'Die' on the remote side
When an avatar is uploaded with a non-unity scale, animations when viewed by others are shifted.
See below (Left is the avatar wearer, right is from a secondary player's perspective)
The avatar in question has a scale of ~0.454, which shifts the animation down.
If the model is scaled up (to say a scale of 1.4) then the animation is shifted up
This issue was also reproduced with another model, so it's unlikely to be a rigging issue.
The SDK 2.0 version of this avatar doesn't have the same issue. so I believe the issue to be SDK 3 exclusive
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Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Looks like we fixed this a while back.
Silent Stalker
Seems to be solved in 1006 build
You should scale in the import instead
Anyone who is experiencing this bug: can you have the observer block animations and see if the shifting still occurs?
Mr․ Doon
hackspanner: When animations are blocked and the animations are sent through netIK, the bug does not occur.
Mr․ Doon: thanks! That helps.
can confirm, it did work before but not anymore, please fix this again!! https://gyazo.com/e88ed02a3fa5ea02c5f1c9c64b106e38
and here it is, with my avatar scaled to 1,1,1 fixing it in unity import settings
Can confirm, tested models at 1-1-1 scale, animations play perfectly. Shifting the scale to anything above or below this produces an effect where if scaled below 1-1-1, avatar now clips into the ground. Opposite effect with scaling up.
Default animations provided by SDK controller tested along with custom dances and user created emotes. All animations move based on avatar scale in unity. This was not the case with 2.0.
Only visible to other users when playing said animations, everything looks normal from the host side.
Zefwano: this also worked in AV3 just the recent update scuffed it