the current avatar performance ranking system leaves a lot to be desired, it isn't even difficult to make a very poor avatar with less of a performance impact than a good or excellent rated one. My suggestion to fix this would be to set the performance ratings at a points value and assign points for polygons, material slots, physbones, constraints, particles etc. based on how much of a perormance hit that component actually has, for example you set "poor" at 1000 points, every 1000 polygons is worth 5 points, a material slot is worth 100, each image file is worth 50 etc. and depending on the number of points an avatar has on upload they get a ranking that actually reflects the performance of that avatar and creators aren't disincentivised from optimising their model, since the current system means that the second you have 71k polygons you may as well have 40 material slots 250 physbones and just max out everything else because you're already marked as "very poor"