Add uncompressed size limit to avatars
As previously announced in one of VRChat developer updates, VRChat will be introducing new maximum limits for uploaded avatars.
PC avatars
- Maximum file size: 500 MBs -> 200 MBs
- Maximum estimated memory usage: 1200 MBs -> 500 Mbs
Quest avatars
- Maximum file size 10 MBs (unchanged)
- Maximum estimated memory usage: 40 MBs (new)
The SDK will warn you if your avatar exceeds one of these limits. We came to these numbers based on an analysis of currently uploaded avatars. If we find legitimate use cases that we missed, we might change them. About 2% of avatars will be affected.
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You can learn more about the new size limits here:
I've been running with the Uncompressed Size limit of 500mb. Ran into a surprising amount of avatars that exceeded this.
I've noticed that most of these avatars have less than 100mb file size (with 2 hitting >600mb with an under 50mb file). This suggests that uncompressed size will be the dominant limit a PC avatar would hit.
But what about Quest? It's much easier to hit the file limit on Quest, will the uncompressed end up being a new (and stricter) limit then the current file size? how many current quest avatars exist now that exceed the proposed limit?
memory usage is ram usage + vram usage?
I assume it does not include VRAM usage, only RAM
kawashirov as far as I know, texture memory is VRAM.
Demirramon I know, my question was does it includes vram or not. Seems not.
kawashirov oh sorry, misunderstood the question. But I guess it actually does include VRAM in a way, since it counts the total size and what goes into the VRAM is a part of that.
We plan on implementing this change in July 2024!