Please allow age verification on AT LEAST ONE other account.
Per the updated FAQ for the announcement of Age Verification, I would like to suggest a hard limit of at least 1 or at most 2 alts who are eligible for the same age verification.
People may have alts for various reasons, some being that they may not want people who know their main VRC account name (especially if that name exists outside of VRC on other platforms) and may not want to engage with the more hardcore gated content (cough18+STUFFcough) for fear of other users maliciously looking them up and then harassing them on other platforms or even irl. I realize that may be an extreme example, but I can imagine I am not the only one who has their VRC name as their other socials and tries to keep it as professional as possible especially those that are creators.
And while you could just say...
"Well. Then just verify your alt account."
...and I could just do that, but what if in doing so I lock my main account off from my favorite worlds and or avatars should those world/avatar creators put their creations behind Age Verification gates.
I apologize in advance if this was hard to follow, I'm not the best at articulating my words, so I hope this made some sense...
I would just greatly appreciate being able to keep my main and an alt with the same amount of access and not feel like I have a baby gate in my way on one or the other despite being a fully grown adult. -_-
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I would personally argue that having multiple accounts validated with the same ID makes it even more important/valuable as if one of them get banned all of them could do to.
There is no reason to keep one account unbanned that uses the same ID, so to me, it sounds like a plus in terms of respect/security/value.
The only point that I can come with that would make it sensitive is, if one account gets compromised and someone uses it with bad intention, it would ban the author that probably didn’t commit any harm.
But if all the rules are clear and account safety is put into account or VRChat makes it clear account safety is even more important with age verification, I don’t see how multiple accounts would be detrimental to the game/community.
I do think this may be important to have, if someone wants to abandon an account because of targeted harassment this would allow them to verify on a secondary, safer account.
YumeTheClown Best would be VRChat kept history on that, and one ID per account only to prevent alt harassment.
YumeTheClown VRChat did say something in regards to switching your ID verification to another account for reasons such as your account was unrecoverable or you are willfully switching to a new account.
It was in the FAQ section:
“In case of an unrecoverable account loss or a willful account switch, you may delete your Age Verification data from the first account by contacting VRChat and Persona. After that point, the first account will become unverified, and you can use your ID to verify your new account.”
So if there was a targeted harassment issue, they would more than likely advise you to make a new account, contact support, and re-do your verification on the new account.
But at the time of this comment, they have not mentioned anything of having multiple accounts verified with one person’s ID.
I agree with this! Especially with content creators having a content creator account, while also having their personal account to actually enjoy the experience of being a "regular" person in vrchat.
some people have alt accounts due to drama that happened and spend time on there alts to get away from it
like to attend club events and such on there alt's so people don't know its them or have differnt discords linked for that reason
unable to id on alts will cut half of people who use alts for that reason in half, like i own 2 accounts ( due to my main i couldn't get on for awhile as i couldn't log into my email address anymore) i pay for both on vrc+ and also play both of them also, sometimes i just want to get off my main and chill with people inside clubs so no one knows its me and to relax
but most clubs will PUT this system in place!
meaning it will make me not want to play vrc anymore and everything else making people pick on what account to play on?
like the reason why i have not deleted the first account is due to there is avis on there 2.0 ones and the name can not be used anymore also due to its odd font back in the day 4 years ago whenever the game was so differnt than it is now
main reason why i keep it and log onto it here and there as i didn't move my friends over accounts ( i have tooooooooooo many) and i really don't fancy it
Miss Widgey
Most adult-oriented sites allow performers to have multiple accounts/profiles with the same ID, just putting that info out there.
Hard agree. After a certain point of interaction having an alt becomes almost mandatory, people act entitled to the time of well-known figures. I'm not even remotely popular, and I still get spammed with invites from people trying to talk about event logistics. Rollthered said it best, sometimes you just want to vibe and not be a public figure. That shouldn't entail being locked out of most events and stuck in instances full of kids.
Also, put bluntly, maybe I wish to experiment without that being known to my friends and acquaintances.
I feel like letting multiple accounts use the same ID and taking action on all of them would still satisfy the reason they said they're using one only. I can't imagine people would want to share the verification with other people, because if they act stupid and get banned you'd be banned too.
If some creep abuses it, ban them. It's not like bad actors won't be trying to game the system even with one account per user. Security systems are layered for a reason.
Jay Ren
+1 to allowing an alt. I'd happily link the accounts if needed to disallow sharing, but I don't want to have to pick between verifying my Main account and the one I use for organising events e.t.c.
This should not be a feature. It is too opportunistic for abuse.
It is absolutely insane that you can only verify one account. This has quickly turned from an "age verification" feature, into an "alt identification" "feature". This not only prevents people that are 18+ from joining 18+ events, it also outs them as an alt to everyone because they are unable to verify.
VRChat seriously needs to think this through.
Yea, the extreme content gating, single use ID, and data retention (despite it being illegal and impossible for some countries to do so) is going to deter many very regular-long term adult users from continuing to play and to be cut off the game.
This "game" is so important to many communities and while I'm in favor of making it a safe place for adults and children, this is not the way to do it.
I've been a part of this community since 2018 and I've seen it go through stuff like this. I am disabled and this is the only way I can have a decent social life. This worries and disappoints me so much
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