Hello my name is Someone77z, The Leader of the Anthromorphic and Furry Community. As Direct Moderation i Have Eyes Everywhere in All Fur Communitys for the Safety of all Furrys and the Anthro Fandom․ All Leaders of this Virtual Realm are very Aware my Standings․5+ Years Community Development for all Anthromorphic Virtual Reality․With the Original Anthro Founders 1960s‚ We been expecting this to role out for the Safety of all Anthro Adult Users. I ask To please message me and email me regarding this. So i can get this quickly tested out and safetly. i hosted on Friday 150+ for a College Graduation and 170+ for a bday the following day. Please reach out as soon as possible. I seen other users with the verification and been letting the avatar creators on the anthro side to put it only those +18 verified there public Furry avis.