I want to test Age Verification System for Big event 150+ Furs.
Hello my name is Someone77z, The Leader of the Anthromorphic and Furry Community. As Direct Moderation i Have Eyes Everywhere in All Fur Communitys for the Safety of all Furrys and the Anthro Fandom․ All Leaders of this Virtual Realm are very Aware my Standings․5+ Years Community Development for all Anthromorphic Virtual Reality․With the Original Anthro Founders 1960s‚ We been expecting this to role out for the Safety of all Anthro Adult Users. I ask To please message me and email me regarding this. So i can get this quickly tested out and safetly. i hosted on Friday 150+ for a College Graduation and 170+ for a bday the following day. Please reach out as soon as possible. I seen other users with the verification and been letting the avatar creators on the anthro side to put it only those +18 verified there public Furry avis.
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Tupper - VRChat Head of Community
Thank you as well. For Verifying the OG Owner of the Black Cat and their Community. Extremely grateful giving the OG side the chance to have the adults verified as well.
Also Thank you for Verifying all staff of Furality. We are doing the ground work in game, Discord, Social Medias and Such to get this verification for all Adult Anthro and or Furry Taken care of and Safely. im working with many big groups with 15k+ members and such. SO The faster i can get them verified timely, the faster the Anthro Community Can be Safe from all of those with ill intent.
Thank you for having me Verified. I already have done the Process with Fur Haven and Gotten 3K of our Members already set to go. I would enjoy for the groups verified to roll out so i can start immediately testing big gatherings.