The groups Audit log is extremely inconsistent, returns invalid data or doesn't return the necessary data in some cases.
Log types and their issues:
.1. group.member.role.unassign
- Returns Null for actor_displayname and target_id - Should likely return user_id of the user who lost the role as target_id
.2. group.member.role.assign (Non-CE)
- Returns Null for actor_displayname and target_id- should at minimum return the user who got their role added in target_id
.3. group.invite.create
- 3.1 (Inviting)
- Returns GroupMemberId in target_id- this ID is invalid and does not belong to any user because at the time of inviting them they are not yet member of the group. Which makes it impossible to fetch them - Should likely be usr_id or data should contain usr_id of the invited user
- 3.2 (Uninviting)
- As above returns member_id instead of usr_id
- There is no way to differentiate between invite and uninvite - Should likely have group.invite.delete log_type
.4. group.member.update
- Returns Null for actor_displayname and target_id- should at minimum return the user who got their membership updated in target_id