The patch notes said these two nodes were added
  • Added Mesh Constructor node
  • Added Gizmos nodes
That error makes sense, but there's no OnDrawGizmosSelected event, so these are unusable at the moment.
Also trying to use
EXTERN, "UnityEngineMesh.__ctor____UnityEngineMesh"
(what the graph spits out) causes this error
VRC.Udon.VM.UdonVMException: The VM encountered an error!
Exception Message:
External function '__ctor____UnityEngineMesh' is not supported.
Lastly I noticed there's I also noticed
doesn't have a mapping from
"UnityEngineGizmos" -> typeof(UnityEngine.Gizmos)
Speaking of things missing from the type resolvers, I had to create my own type resolver for a lot of missing mappings from string to type that exist in the strings of Udon externs. Unsure whether or not these are intended to be missing