Test WorldID: wrld_e9c7f73c-1bc7-477c-a1b4-fb6ac4df264b
This world currently only contains one UdonBehaviour which is an "Empty" Graph on a VRC_Pickup that has "Synchronize Position" checked.
Every player that joins the world via direct means* will see the master as the owner of the pickup, regardless of whether someone else has become owner, before they joined.
*This can be either via launch parameters that you set to a specific instance that already contains players, or via the website features/join links. This seems to be what causes the issue. When joining the first world, it seems that the network cannot fully initialize something, causing ownership to break.
To reproduce the problem join the instance with two clients and wait until they have fully loaded. Let the client who has joined last (non-master) pickup the cube. Then join the instance with a third client. Now the third client will see the master as the owner of the pickup, despite the first and second client seeing the second client as the owner. This will only update if either the first or third client pickup the cube, or if the third client rejoins the same instance.
This shows what happens to the Pickup (I have removed the debugging canvas you can see in the video, however the problem still persists)
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