User profile description text separetely for Public/Friend
Allow 2 user's profile description text separately for public and friends.
Expected work in VRChat:
You can set 2 profile description(Public/Friend)text in browser or in VRC.
People (not your friend) can see Public text in user profile window.
Your friends can see both Public text and Friend text.
Expected usage:
In Public description shopinfomation(ex. booth,gumroad) , my public YouTube channel, web url(If you are a streamer, or blogger etc),my public contact address , and more information that can be shown to people you pass by. you can put up on a signboard.
In Friend description private contact address for intimate person. my daily blog url for close person, and more information for only-friend. like SNS private user's tweet.
VRChat plus subscriber can edit both Public and Friend text.
VRChat standard user may edit only Public text.
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