Raise Group Limit for VRC+
Currently, VRC+ users can join up to 200 Groups. It would be nice to raise the group limit increase / higher group limit / join more groups.
Groups have become like discord servers where everyone has one, and it's easy to hit the limit now, even when you've gotten rid of all your vanity groups. Especially if you go to events like in the rave/club scene where all entry is via Groups.
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VRC+ should have at least 500 limit and free VRC at least 200
Faith_Of_Sin リカ
Yes please! 200 Groups is literally nothing when you are around clubs and DJ´s.
We really need this! Rise it far, not just 50 more please.
Same as https://feedback.vrchat.com/feature-requests/p/increase-vrchat-group-amount but in the new VRC+ category