This would be kinda neat, as a user who played MMOs that allowed changing the Font or style of your Name Tag.
How about we introduce different Typography styles that are permissible for us to use on exclusively Nameplates?
Choices of Fonts that I think would fit fine in the Nameplate UI I so far could think of:
  • VRChat Default
  • Dosis (sorry, Tupper)
  • Inter
  • Merriweather
  • Montserrat
  • Poppins
  • Oswald
  • Fredoka
  • Manrope
  • Rajdhani
I'm sure there's more Fonts out there that would work, but these are so far the ones I could think of that are under OFL (Open Font License), since it's more permissible. I'm no lawyer, so I could always be wrong on this fact.
Of course this feature would have it's own limitations, especially for names that are NOT Latin or European.
Please comment down below on your thoughts on this idea and any Fonts you think would fit as as choice.