I think we all had a couple of times where we, for example:
  1. Leaned over a friend laying on a couch to touch them, just to be raised 50cm upwards by the furniture's collider.
  2. Leaned over an edge of something to see what's down there, just to fall down.
  3. Leaned over a table to read what's written in the newspaper there, just to have our entire avatar locked in place by VRChat's mechanisms until we move out of the collision. (Related feature request in a link: https://vrchat.canny.io/vrchat-ik-20/p/stop-locking-avatars-in-place-when-players-walk-through-walls )
Now, while 1 & 3 is mostly caused by the furniture colliders that most world creators unnecessarily leave on by default and sometimes leave no option to toggle them off, i believe that it's on the VRC's side to make player's collision box placed in the location that most of his/her body is located.