Save calibration between sessions (so crashes are less trouble)
I am not going to stand up to calibrate when I was comfortably lying down. If I crash and am that comfortable, I just give up on VRChat for the time being, even though there's friends I would have rather stayed with.
Following a crash and quickly restarting VRChat, trackers are not going to be aligned any differently.
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This would get annoying if it set your old calibration from a day or so ago, and using how long ago the calibration was may not work.
You could have calibrated an hour before a crash, but you could also take a break for an hour and come back with new tracker placements.
Something reasonable like within 5 minutes since a crash or reboot would be lovely. Saving the calibration data to cache and using the previous log file timestamp as an indicator for when the client last ran would probably work.