[BUG] Tracking Controller misaligns head and hands when tracking is enabled in the animator
When an avatar uses a custom animation controller in the base layer for movement, and use the vrc tracking controller component to enforce head tracking and hand tracking. It will missalign the hands from the controller and the head doesn't track at all and instead is using an animation. rather than the headset orientation/position.
Example video: https://gyazo.com/42f2b2592e34e66ca37f1d3ad4a043f6
in the video i show the behaviour of the new IK and the legacy IK. Specifically look at the head and the hands when moving.
This is what the tracking controller looks like for the avatar in the video
There is an exception where the hands will resync with the controller position after 1 or two seconds. but only if the "Force Locomotion animations for 6 point tracking" option is enabled on the avatar descriptor.
If it is dissabled the hands will always be desynced while moving.
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It also seems that the VRC Animator Tracking Control isn't properly setting the head to Tracking mode (despite saying so in the debug menu).
In my environment, this occurs under the following conditions,
Force Locomotion Animations for 6 point tracking is unchecked.
TrackingType is 4 or 6.
Tracking Control for some of the 6 points from Head to Leg is set to Animation.
In SS, only two points, LeftLeg and RightLeg, are set to Animation. Obviously, the movement was being pulled by the walking animation, including the hips.
When all 6 points from Head to Leg are in tracking status, the hand bones move in perfect alignment with the controller.
Force Locomotion Animations for 6 point trackingのチェックがオフ
Head~Legまでの6ポイントのうち一部のTracking ControlがAnimationになっている
It seems as if the animators are overlapping on top of the tracking.
Please try this again in build 11711
Kung: This bug is back in build 11901 https://twitter.com/Smash_ter/status/1517566569584467970
Kung: This bug still occurs in build 1313.
Occurrence Conditions:
- Have a custom Base layer that animates the lower body while moving
- Disable the Avatar Descriptor's "Force Locomotion animations for 6 point tracking"
Tracking of the lower body is switched to Animation during movement, but the avatar's hands are not attached to the controller at this time.