With 6+ point tracking, the foot does not track EXACTLY where the IRL foot goes. Foot up/down tracks seemingly fine, rotating on the upwards axis is largely ok, but rolling the ankle just, doesn't. (Not that this should even BE in terms of “This axis is better than this one” to begin with.)
Meaning if I place my foot perfectly statically to the ground, it will not stay stuck to the ground when it should be stuck to the ground and instead drift (shift/rotate on the axis of the foot) around. Or if I rotate my foot in some specific direction it will not follow 1:1.
I genuinely can not fathom a singular scenario where you would want the foot of a avatar to not track EXACTLY AND ABSOLUTE to where your IRL foot is.
(After dedicated testing)
Seems as though this is only as pronounced as it is on MY main avatar. All other avatars show this behavior to some borderline imperceptible degree, which seems to directly correlate with how far away from "Basically straight up-and-down human leg" the avatar's legs are.