I suggest changing SDK deleting Physbone/Contact components on quest avatars that are above the limit
Some time ago it was changed so a quest avatar that is above the Contact of Physbone limit won't be prevented from uploading anymore, instead the SDK opts to remove all those components entirely from the avatar.
I believe this is an issue because most users won't realise there is an issue to begin with, but when they get ingame features now no longer work as expected. I think this change should be reverted OR add an extra warning when clicking upload that very explicitly states that those components will be removed from the avatar.
As an asset creator, this has recently become a very common issue among Quest users who are above the limits but were not aware, and suddenly their avatars don't work as expected anymore after uploading.
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That explains why Quest avatars were uploading without warning despite issues. This sounds more like a bug than a feature!
FrostKittyPaw it seems to be a feature, because the Red error in the sdk does state that it will delete the components. But we all know most people don't read that closely and WILL miss that part. And considering that deleting components is a pretty significant change, I don't think that tiny text warning buried between the usual optimization errors is sufficient.
Liindy Can confirm, I rarely look at the console, and when I do, it's usually many minutes of self troubleshooting first. Usually I figure things out on my own before looking at the console. lol