1. create a PlayerObject template with a child object and attach a UdonBehavior to that child object
  2. Using a reference to that child UdonBehavior, attempt to access this behavior from another behavior via FindComponentInPlayerObjects during OnPlayerRestored
Here is the code I trigger the issue with:
public override void OnPlayerRestored(VRCPlayerApi player)
if (Utilities.IsValid(player))
PlayerManager playerManager = (PlayerManager)Networking.FindComponentInPlayerObjects(player, _playerManagerTemplateReference);
if (Utilities.IsValid(playerManager))
playerManagers[player.playerId] = (PlayerManager)Networking.FindComponentInPlayerObjects(player, _playerManagerTemplateReference);
LogError($"Failed to load player manager for {player.displayName}");
And included are the errors it produces. Also included is the hierarchy structure of the template.
Note: my code works fine if I move the UdonBehavior to the parent and try to access it from there. And yes I am making sure to update the UdonBehavior reference and regenerate scene ids between tests.