A single UdonSharpBehavior with VRC Enable Persistence cannot store more than 108 bytes of the same variable type
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a GameObject with VRC Player Object and VRC Enable Persistence
- Create an UdonSharp script that have 27 or more [UdonSynced] int fields (27 int is 108 byte)
- Attach it to the GameObject
- Build & Test the world
- Change field value and save by RequestSerialization
- Rejoin
- [UdonSynced] fields are not restored
Additional Information
* Serialization succeeds with OnPostSerialization
* It does not output any errors, so I am unsure if it is failing to save to the server or if it is failing when restoring
* ClientSim does not have this issue
* 14 or more double fields also leads the same issue
* I attached UdonSharp script that reproduce the issue
This limit is easily reached, and I would like to be able to handle more fields if possible.
Also, this limitation is not written in the documentation and should be added.
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