Too often the modes are being mixed up and Dynamic Mode takes much of the blame for Forced Mode's issues. Partially this is due to them being grouped together. Dynamic Mode is being made inaccessible due to the issues Forced Mode causes, which is not good.
Setting the near-clip to 0.001, is obviously going to cause issues, it's recommended against by unity and you need to script it to reduce it below 0.01.
The default is 0.05, and Dynamic Mode compensates, presumably keeping it >=0.01 (if it's not it should be set to do so).
As someone who has seen hundreds of different worlds with clip plane set to 0.01, i can count on one hand how many worlds had noticeable issues due to the clipping plane settings. All issues were connected to mesh skyboxes that were too close to the far plane and didn't have a balanced farplane value to compensate. These were easily corrected with some adjustments to the farplane (tested and confirmed, never seen a single world that couldn't be fixed for 0.01). Making Dynamic Mode a standard will encourage world creators to fix their worlds for it, and result in improving their integrity.
The issues having a 0.05 clipping plane causes for person to person social interaction are far more noticeable and significantly more frequently encountered which cause serious immersion breaking when trying to be close with someone or even give/ receive a simple headpat.
Make Dynamic Near Clip accessible. Keep Forced Override Near Clip tucked away.