I've been playing around with the new desktop camera since a few days ago, it is great and it was needed.
There are a few concerns that i've thought of while i was using it though, i feel like it's really easy to break into any room through the walls, very sneaky, and see what other people are doing without them noticing you.
I feel like being spied by desktop user's cameras is going to be an issue, i think it is really sneaky and people can take pictures where they should not take any, like... people can get harassed in public lobbies with desktop cameras taking pics of their butt without you noticing it, or flying around nonstop.
What i suggest: add cameras to Safety, if you disable your safety you will get removed from people's cameras and you're invisible on their cameras unless they tell you that you want to take a picture of them, then that person can enable their safety and they now show up in other people's cameras.
By disabling the safety you also don't see a camera lens flying all around or on your face.
Consider this because a lot of people are desktop users and they can use it to harass other people in public worlds or to streamers maybe?
I would really like to go poof in other people's cameras tho...