build: 1602, Allow pilot to turn their drone model and sound off for everyone
Drones are a great filming tool, and the use of them could become popular, especially at events. I don't want to become a nuisance when i film events or fly around populated worlds.
I understand that players can turn off drones and choose not to see them. As the pilot I feel like I should have the ability to turn off the drone model as well as being able to turn off the sound my drone makes for others.
When the visibility of the drone is toggled off, the normal camera model should take it's place as to let people know they are on camera.
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Not only for one's own recording but for everyone else, it would be great to be able to toggle the sound.
+1. I wish to use this drone as a filming tool at events. My biggest fear is becoming unwanted at music events because my presence annoys event attendees, and the feature becomes disabled by the organizers. This should help in the long run