[1601] Drone Camera collides with Vehicles in the two main Vehicle Systems in VRChat
- Go to a world with either SaccFlight or Chikuwa Vehicle System 2.
- Have a drone out and floating in a place where a vehicle can drive/fly into it
- Move vehicle into drone and watch as vehicle is stopped by drone.
This happens to not only the player controlling the drone, but also the drones of other users. This also seems to happen even if the drone safety setting is turned off by the driver of the vehicle.
I noticed that there's an option in the new instance settings to turn off the ability to use drones so that helps mitigate the problem at events in worlds with these systems. But that deprives said events of the use of said drones for recording purposes.
As far as I know these systems use custom layers for collision of the vehicles so there's probably not much that VRChat can do on their end. Really all I want to ask here is to know what layer the drone is on so that system/world creators can plan around it in the future.
I guess another option might be to disable the collider for the drone on non-local clients if the drone's position is already synced, especially if the drone is hidden in safety settings.
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