[1514] Make a sdk component to prevent stikers on some surface.
This would be usefull if as a world creator we dont want stikers on video players, mirrors or user posters and menus. But at the same time we dont want to prevent users to post stikers anywhere else.
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The introduction of stickers without giving World Creators effective control over their use adds unnecessary burden for both user-driven self-moderation and community management, which is less than ideal. Adding an SDK component seems like the perfect solution to address this!
Its been a few days since the sticker release now, and I am struggling with preventing the stickers from going on the video player screen in a world I have published.
I created a collider overlapping the region I want to prevent the stickers, so it covers over/on the video player, set it to "interaction" as directed by a friend and by https://creators.vrchat.com/worlds/layers#unitys-built-in-layers suggests. But it doesn't stop the sticker from going there if the users follow a different collider with their pointer.
I agree strongly being able to just add a "no stickers" module would be the easiest. But perhaps just set the behavior of the stickers if they encounter a blocking collider to respect that? It does not block the stickers as I thought it would because the VRC+ users still start on and then follow the mesh collider (that is there so the objects don't escape the bounds of the curved interior of the world.) Which I very much WANT stickers on, they ARE fun! (Just not fun on a video player). I genuinely want to avoid putting a hole in my mesh collider just because a video player is near it. >_< I dont want objects getting lost and requiring reset.
Its a bit frustrating to troubleshoot too, as I am not a vrc+ user at this time. So I have to wait to upload it public and wait for a friend to join me then ask them to test it. Can there also be a debug or world author tool during the local build to test sticker ability placement? Or just an invisible-to-others test sticker of the basic vrchat logo or something non vrc+ can test things like this with?
Spiro Renard
I agree with this 100%. I think it's bad that people can place stickers on video players for example, or if you want to be more malicouse some worlds have advertising posters with QR codes, swop the QR code out with a custom one using stickers. That just opens up a can of bad worms. If world creators had more control of where stickers could and couldn't be placed, this would allow world creators to prevent stickers on specific surfaces like advertisment posters or video players.
I discovered that in some layers don't work with stickers. But there no documentation of how it works. Also this required to change the layers of the objects, if I am using a layer for a specific purpose then that is not a good option. Making a component that can attach to triggers and tell the game that the trigger is a no sticker zone would be a better solution and also communicate to the user where you can place stickers or not.