[1348]Some Particles not displayed in avatar
Open beta VRChat in Unity2022 environment, avatar
In the Particle System, if the settings are World Space Simulation, Texture Sheet Animation, and with Trail, it may not be displayed. (Sometimes it does).
Even without Trail, it may not be displayed.
Open beta VR Chat for Unity 2022 environment, avatar
If the Particle System is set to World Space Simulation, Texture Sheet Animation, or Trail, it may not be displayed. (It may also be displayed)
It may not be displayed even when there is no trail.
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Hello! A number have updates have gone out since this post, could you confirm if this issue is still occurring?
Unity 2019では、ShapeモジュールのArcの値が0の時、360とした時と同じ挙動をしていました。
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
In Unity 2019, when the value of Arc in the Shape module was 0, the behavior was the same as when it was set to 360.
In Unity 2022, when the value of Arc in the Shape module was 0, the Particle was not fired.
I found that this difference in behavior was affecting the behavior.
This fix fixed the problem on my avatar, but my friend's avatar seems to have a different problem with particles not showing up for a different reason, which I am not sure why.
I encourage my friend to submit to Canny.
My avatar has same problem.
KoakumaHip: Could you provide an ID?
this is particle system settings screen shot.
ヒヨ: Thank you!
You say that the particles show sometimes.
Is it certain worlds they do not appear?
Is this happening with more than one avatar?
Is this happening only in super populated worlds?
Thanks for the reply!
Here are the answers
> Is it certain worlds they do not appear?
As far as I tried, no such particles were displayed in all worlds.
> Is this happening with more than one avatar?
Yes, my friends avatars some particles do not displayed.
> Is this happening only in super populated worlds?
It happens regardless of the popularity of the world or the number of people.
More infomation, When the particle system parameters are changed in Animation and then set to Active, they may or may not be displayed.
ヒヨ: Thank you for all the info!
Do you have an avatar we can use to reproduce this issue with?
StormRel: It will take a few days to prepare the data that is safe to pass on.
I will give it to you when it is ready.
It seems that it will take a few days to prepare data that is fine even if it is handed over.
I'll give it to you when it's ready
StormRel: This is a sample.
Use the one in the prefab folder, in the YO_v6.1_mag folder.
Displayed in Unity2019, the Particles are not displayed in the Open beta version of VRC.
However, in the normal version of the VRC, the Particles do show up.
DL key: vrc
This is a sample.
Use the one in the prefab folder in the YO_v6.1_mag folder.
Particles are not displayed in the Open Beta version of VRC uploaded in Unity 2019.
However, in the normal version of VRC, particles are displayed.
download key: vrc
StormRel: It seems that even Build 1370 hasn't been able to fix it yet, how is the progress?
Did you not receive the samples you supplied or any other problems?
Build 1370でもまだ直せていないようですが、状況はどうでしょうか?
ヒヨ: Thanks for the samples! I've sent them along. I can't speak to the progress of this issue but it is known.
needs more information
Hello! Thanks for reporting this.
Do you have an example avatar for this?
Can you provide any additional details + screenshots of this issue?