Android can use storage as ram and while it does reduce performance since all phones have quite fast sd/SSD storage it is enough for devices below 6gb to be able to run vrchat I've downloaded it by unofficial means on a "moto g(8) power" and the game runs fine better then on my PC even and if I wanted a little extra performance (I normally get 45 50 fps but tweaking gets it to over 60) all I have to do is set an avatar priority and limite to get the ram usage below 4gb
Ram shouldn't be on the minimum requirements of google play since it prevent a lot of devices that can run the game from even seeing the game download page a better solution would be to set the minimum ram requirements to 3gb and set the google play page so that anyone below 6gb see a warning that state that the device might not be able to run it like it does in genshin impact for devices that are no longer supported people can still try and sometimes it works