Extra Child Transforms on VRCImpostorSettings appears to duplicate instead of replace
For details on how I accessed the VRCImpostorSettings component, see https://feedback.vrchat.com/impostors/p/the-vrcimpostorsettings-component-is-unsearchable-and-is-missing-an-editor
Avatar ID: avtr_2aba2d3f-6e5b-4c0b-89d0-46893f96758e
On this avatar, I added a VRCImpostorSettings component on the Armature Game Object, and included 3 items on the Extra Child Transforms: the left and right ear, and the tail.
I was hoping for a little better behavior of the ears/tail/hips by doing this.
I was not expecting any sort of ear duplication.
It is very possible that I'm using the component wrong here, but documentation does say that the extra child transforms are "independent of the bone that (it) is placed on". Filing as a bug because it is either a code bug or a documentation bug (i.e., the documentation needs to be clearer or provide an example)
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We've made a bunch of bugfixes to the impostor generators in the 2024.3.2 beta cycle! I gave your test avatar another shot and the ears/tail no longer seem to be duplicating. Can you confirm it works the way you expected now?