Add an option to disable locomotion animations on all avatars
This is mostly personal preference of the wearer, not the maker, so being able to always slide around (or always walk around) would be really nice to have here
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Available in patch 2022.2.1p4
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IK 2.0 Problems
As what i have seen this update is not ideal, The shoulders still have locomotion, the torso twists and turns in god awful ways, my viewpoint will move at times when i bend down, I don't like this new update, i hope things fix.
It sounds like all of your issues are related to the base layer animation playing under your IK. This can be solved by making a custom AV3 base layer better suited to FBT, but it sounds like what you want is an option that doesn't require customizing your avatar. There's already a canny post for that, so I'll merge this one in to there. If you feel that you have a different issue, feel free to make a new canny post with those specifics.
install signal
The IK Tweaks mod provides this pretty basic feature. If you want people to stop modding the game this is one of the things you should implement.
Yes please. Personally i would keep locomotion on when i am standing/walking around or exploring a world, and turn it off when i am sitting/lying down to avoid weird crunches
A touch redundant, but this needs to be as much a "Toggle on" as it is "Toggle off".
If there were some way to retro-actively fix avatars that have locomotion entirely disabled on upload, so the end-user then has the option one way or the other for ALL avatars, that would be ideal.
Tbh I would also be fine if we could just get an toggle for this with Avatar 3.0 even though one for all Avatars would be even better.
Edit: A toggle for it in the Radial Menu / giving us a parameter which we can toggle it with.
DrBlackRat: it's already an option in avatar descriptor for avatars you upload yourself.
My main point, however, is that my preferences as avatar user can be different from those of avatar uploader, plus, there are SDK2 avatars.
knah: Ik but you can't toggle it with the radial menu sadly. Which is what I meant.
When I just chill with friends for example I don't want a walking animation, but when I play, lets say Murder I want an walking animation.
Of course your main point of it being available for every avatar and not just on an per Avatar basis still stands.
DrBlackRat: custom animator controllers can do that for 1 1/2 years now btw. We would just welcome the extension to VRC to make such a toggle, so people are not forced to include the logic onto their avatars.
Gireison: Those custom locomotion controllers don't really use the normal footstep IK, they use their custom system to make it look like you are walking, which isn't always 100% perfect. I also haven't found a one that is basically just a toggle for locomotion, all of them add some kind of extra animations & stuff which I simply just don't wont or need.
Just a simple parameter from VRChat which we could toggle on / off depending on what we want would make this a lot easier. A simple toggle in the QM would be even better though.
Adeon Writer
Quality of life
An in-game option to toggle sliding/walking should have always been the case. Why it was originally decided to make it an avatar specific upload option is mind-boggling.
Merged in a post:
Toggle for Locomotion in game
Rose Bursyoji
I, like a lot of other users, don't like Locomotion when in fullbody, it can be weird and jarring at times so we toggle it in the SDK, but when you use other creator's avatar they don't toggle locomotion for 6 point tracking all of the time, so an ingame toggle for locomotion when in 6 point or even for 3 point tracking, it would help a lot of users feel more comfortable in VR.
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