Tutorial sequence plays every time
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I'm forced to do the "tour" sequence every time I launch the Creator Companion. There is also an error about taking too long to find my installed Editor.
I think this is because it's too slow to detect my installed Unity Editor and therefore thinks I'm launching CC for the first time?
CC should be better at remembering whether or not I've already clicked through the CC tutorial in the past. Ideally it only shows up once, ever-- when first launching CC.
Or at least there should be some way to skip this sequence.
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Hi Jar! Thanks for the report. There might be another process on your computer that uses the VCC's port.
Can you please try the following command in PowerShell and observing the output?
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 5476).OwningProcess
If the VCC is not running, you should get an error.
If the VCC is running, you should get a single result.
Fax Thanks for the diagnostic help, this issue comes and goes for me, and it seems to have stopped happening for the time being, but the next time I see it happen again I'll run this