Avatar moving with no animtion
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When you import a fresh new unity porject with no additional packages besides gesture manager to check the view point. When setting the viewpoint to the desired spot and entering play mode with gesture manager selected you'll see that the avatar moves backwards and down leaving the viewpoint NOT where it's supposed to be often times outside the head, this only started to happen recently.
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Hi DexterousAlloy! Is this a bug report for the VRChat SDK or for Gesture Manager?
Fax It's a sdk issue as when I make a brand new unity project with no addiction packages, including Gesture Manager and upload to vrchat the viewpoint will do as the picture says above. I don't know why but only in the past 2-3 months have I noticed this happening.
Fax I am on unity version 2022.3.22f1 with all packages update on vrchat creator companion version 2.4.1 If that is also info you need
Please not that in the images provided that I did not move my camera in any way that is all what happens when you do exactly as i said in the above comment. This reflects ingame as well.