World uploading failed on Linux
I tried to upload world on Linux .
But, it's failing with the message "Last built VRChat scene could not be found. Please Test/Compile Full Scene (slow)".
"Last Build" and "Build & Publish for Windows" button does not work with this message, but "Build & Test" can work and I can local test it.
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Time to open another canny, because they did only half the work:
Fairplex Would love to see this eventually! Can't promise anything though. I did the fix for 3.7.6 during personal time on my weekend because I've made the switch to Linux personally. I'm also not on the SDK team, so all of this was just of my own personal volition on my own time. It was small and simple enough that I could squeak it by without raising issues elsewhere.
Would it be possible to add proton support to build & test? Absolutely. But there are definitely more hoops to go through in the process of getting something like that out vs this simple 1 line low risk low effort fix. I do appreciate the new canny though c:
This is fixed as of SDK version 3.7.6. You can now upload worlds from the VRChat SDK using Unity on Linux! Linux is not a supported platform and this fix was just very low hanging.
Squid Thank you! Really appreciate the fix :)
Seems like in the latest version of the SDK (3.7.6 as of posting this), uploading works fine, but testing worlds does nothing, presumably because it tries to run the game without Wine/Proton.
Almost, but there is still some issues before the linux SDK can be awesome:
Aditionnaly, it would be great to add Proton support in the SDK settings, similarly to what is currently doing this patch:
This post was marked as
available in future release
in progress
the problem still in vrchat sdk v3.7.1
With VPM fully suppoted on linux, and ALCOM existing as a great VCC frontend replacement. This bug is the only remaining issue to having fully functional content creation on linux. Given the apparent simplicity of the proposed fixes it'd be wonderful if VRChat could spare the slightest effort to get this functional out of the box instead of requiring a one word addition to the sdk every update.
I'd love to see an official fix for this. This seems like a situation where a small amount of work on VRChat's side would save a ton of work and hassle for your users.
It would be nice to not have to make a symlink every time I update or upload a world. Hoping the devs at the very least take a glimpse at the suggested fix.
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