VRChat Chat Boxes Clip Inside of Avatars Head
- When interacting with other players and they are using the chatbox system sometimes it will clip inside of users head making chat box unreadable.
- Current solution is to quickly Hide / Show avatar fixes this.
Example of Chatbox Head Clipping https://www.twitch.tv/gavinmd/clip/CulturedTenuousElephantLitFam-cAuEsKgGOluHWf-I
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Chatboxes inside heads are unreadable
Chatboxes appear inside users' heads rather than "above" or "forward". Normally this means that they are unreadable to everyone in the lobby.
This often results in an awkward dance of leaning up over the other user or transgressing their personal space to "get inside their head" so to speak...
Last reports talked the culprit is the avatar scaling system.
This scaling system need also reposition chatboxes after scale.
But for some reason it doesn't work well.
If you reset avatar scaling, suddenly chatbox is at correct height...
So... something with avatar scaling system?
Yea.. rather wish chatboxes would act more like subtitles as an hud overlay instead of how they are now, just have it use the same distance system as earmuff.
Chatboxes above users' heads aren't really at parity with voiced users anyway. I'd love to be able to have a HUD for chatboxes, so if I'm, say, playing that Wordle prefab I won't have to look behind me to see what my friend is saying.
Is this ever gonna get fixed? Ive literally tried every single thing people suggested to me, the chatbox always rendered inside the avatar head...
Haru Rose
Venompapa this can be fixed for now on a per-avatar basis, you would have to make the scale of the avatar unlinked and set the "Y" scale larger - In my case, it was setting the "Y" value to 2.4 on a 1.3 height avatar.
This request could basically be solved with a in-game animation that allowed you to make it dynamic or menu to make it be higher up.
edit 28/01/25 because I saw this asked somewhere else:
try to forcefully increase your avatar bounds by having a separate mesh be bigger than your avatar's height
my solution was to just have a random empty mesh(default box from unity) have a bounds value of 2+ meters for an avatar of 1.2m height
even if you never turn it on(and its NOT editoronly), if it's on the avatar it will count
an animation that shoots/moves something up high(moves a material, a particle) will also do the job
Now this problem is even more serious, and it cannot be corrected by manually hiding/displaying avatars
My research currently shows that a custom Locomotion layer is partly responsible for chatboxes appearing inside the head.
More specifically, it may be that if the first state of the main layer of the Locomotion layer contains a garbage animation, and the avatar owner switches to an avatar that has such a controller, the avatar will have around a 60% chance of having the nameplate placed too close to the hair of the avatar (and thus, the chatbox), but only if the avatar has been switched to by the avatar owner after the remote user has already fully downloaded the avatar.
The best option would just be to have a menu somewhere where you can see your chat history with an individual so you don't even have to constantly look above their head.
Just grab them and move them to your liking
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